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Coaching, Mentoring and Guidance for Excellence, Performance, Happiness & Evolution.

Shanti-meditation (higher mindfulness)-begining

10 hours program –online/ in person/ group – 10 personalized practices based on the eastern wisdom supported by scientific understanding

According to eastern wisdom*, Mind is the cause of stress and also the cause of happiness.


  1. Manage PAIN –lowest level of Sadhaka- sat vs asat, ignorance vs wisdom- sat and wisdom leads to true nature
  2. Achieve well-being (prevent, promote, progress) – live in peace, happiness, love and wisdom.
  3. ART -Discovery-awakening – evolving – realizing- transforming –
  4. O! Mind contemplate on four connections.
  5. The mind looks at PPPET outside, YOU and the existence
  6. work on mind to live with it but do not allow it live within
  7. How the program is different?
  8. Human-being are seekers of peace and happiness-AOL, Pleasure- Satisfaction-Meaning- Who am I?
  9. How mind is created? How mind and meditation are related and not related?
  10. Shanti Meditation is a discovery of pure mind
  11. Three secrets for successful shanti meditation – To know, to live and to be? Knowing and self are one, living is becoming by default, being is knowing, living both?
  12. The Turiya Self is ever present in waker, sleeper, and dreamer.
  13. Self is one, realized when mind is transparent but appears many like moon in the water.


  1. What meditation IS and IS NOT? Understanding leads to clarity and wisdom.
  2. What is Shanti Meditation? Why it awakens to positive state that transforms?
  3. Shanti Meditation is a journey not a destination


  1. How do you prepare, practice and return from Shanti Meditation?
  2. very simple and very easy 5 step approach to shanti meditation
  3. How four aids secure success in shanti meditation? Sastra, Self enquiry, Santosh, Silence (stop talking – Speak only necessary-)
  4. Mind – cause of bondage and freedom (work on the mind)
  5. Shanti meditation is moving, living and awakening within- Discipline and educate the mind for peace by moving it from sense perception to mental to right perception.
  6. Work on the mind until nothingness is left – Higher mindfulness?
  7. How do you measure success in shanti meditation?


  1. How to self-help in improving sleep and Manage Fatigue through Shanti meditation?
  2. How shanti meditation helps in homeostasis, optimum level of well-being?
  3. Mind cannot touch, feel or know the self. Stop talking, thinking to yourself.
  4. Start with concentrated meditation then objectless meditation. Active to passive to nothingness.
  5. Self is like space that is ever present and never changes its place in a jar or tumbler. If jar is broken, still space is not effected.
  6. Mind in Maya (name and form) cannot discover or know removed, Self shines.
  7. Samprajnata meditation (with OM or object) should be when mind is purified and starts living within naturally.
  8. Two Vidyas – one is word Brahman or self and other is supreme Brahman or without name and form.
  9. 16. Sravan- Manan- Niddhyasana to awaken and later reject and drop everything from the texts.

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Programs & practices:

Free download and practices – more than 700 audio Practices at Speaker: Girish Jha:

Topics – learning, practice and experience

  1. Introduction to Mindfulness -
  2. Mindfulness – definition , meaning and practice
  3. How to move from wrong thinker to right thinker?
  4. What are the qualifications to succeed in the discovery of inner peace and happiness?
  5. Three principles that helps you succeed in relaxation and mindfulness
  6. Why your brain needs idle time to rest and relax
  7. The recipe for success in practicing rest and relaxation before mindfulness
  8. "Mindfulness is not for me" In fact - everyone can practice it. Really!
  9. The power of mindfulness
  10. Simple steps to practice mindfulness
  11. Practice mindfulness to manage anxiety at work
  12. Practice mindfulness to induce deep sleep
  13. Hints for success and overcoming barriers
  14. Using mindfulness in daily life.
  15. Maximize your opportunity to find peace and happiness
  16. The power of mindfulness. Feel and understand it through simple practices.
  17. When mindfulness begins, you are more than the body and the mind
  18. Discover what does not change in life
  19. Educate the mind to be mindful
  20. Mindfulness is not paying attention
  21. From delusion to dispassion is mindfulness
  22. Feel the benefits of mindfulness
  23. Learn from experience and awaken to wisdom
  24. Mindfulness is exploring the self
  25. Live in the world but world not within

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